Sunday, December 7, 2008

I swear this is not a Polish joke.

It's more of a cubicle prisoner joke (aka about the dudes Buzzkill works with).

The other week they were all pumped to go check out this new restaurant called Simply Polish for lunch. Buzzkill couldn't go with them, but asked how the food was when they returned later.

"Well, we parked and walked into the front entrance, and were overwhelmed by a horrible stench. We then noticed there were only women inside and they all had their hands and feet soaking in water. It was a nail salon!"

Simply Polish (Pawl-ish, as in nail), not Simply Polish (Pole-ish, as in from Poland).

This tale is going to be repeated at every holiday party we attend this season.

1 comment:

Ann said...

OMG - Love it - I have copied and sent to several people!!!!!! Too funny!